Veil of Night is a 2D action shooter game where you play as an alchemist  tasked with investigating a surge in cult activities observed in a nearby keep. Do you have what it takes to put the Cult of Shadows to rest?

Controls :

A / D - movement

Spacebar - jump

S - slam

Scroll Wheel - weapon switching

Mouse1 - shoot

Mouse2 - throw flask

Enter - fullscreen toggle (download only)

Known Issues:

If you select a level besides level 1,  before picking up a weapon, you  will be softlocked and need to restart. 

There is a  bug where the player dose not respawn at the correct co-ordinates.

Web-based bugs:

Game window is unable to be scaled up, this can be resolved by zooming  in with the browser tab however this method sacrifices quality.

Doors do not lock during enemy encounters.

Audio volume is messed up on certain sounds (relating to the boss).

The boss' laser attacks linger indefinitely.

The boss' attack cooldown is visible on screen.

Issues with scripted event at beginning of Level 2.

Enemies appear to take fall damage (no idea why).

Various animations are cut a frame short.


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I'm Vachila, made the music in this game
The web playable requirement really hit a lot of us hard huh

Zoom In your broswer window after you load the game and enter fullscreen, its playable that way
Have fun!!

Really smooth and satisfying gameplay. Only downside is the small window, but it's an honest mistake ;)

I made a terrible mistake in not testing the web version of this game. I'm glad you still gave it a shot. I plan on redesigning the web version of the  game to work properly in the near future.

Really nice character movement. Style and music are also great.
Unfortunately bugs and issues with web player make this experience not great :(
I hope you'll find time to fix the issues and I could play again ;)

(1 edit)

I really appreciate the feedback. There are plans to polish the game up and re-release it. Development on this will begin shortly.

Game  Design Doc Link: